Courage to miss out. The fear of missing out. Opportunities are for the brave, smart or bloody lucky. Which one are you to be? The brave, stepping out into the unknown, embracing the fear of failure and the daunting nature of what lies ahead. The smart, calculated decisions, reduced to a simple algorithm, looking at…

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Alliteration aside, alas… Ah the joys of photographer pricing… Lots of things go into this, below is some additional pieces of information to remember while going through the pricing aspect of commercial art.   A good start for pricing as a photographer is to get an idea of overall costs, and then  divide that up…

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On-location, out of area. How to find a photographer? That can be tricky. One of amazing things about the internet is often how hidden artists can be. Finding an artist that’s right for your job can be daunting, here’s some ways to narrow down your selection.   Don’t worry about location, worry about style. Sure…

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Screen-less Sundays, the experiment / life hack The concept: The idea came to me as I lamented not having enough time to read, we, as a family, should start a tradition / ethos / experiment, where we, as a family don’t indulge in any screen time. That means more books, more board games, and none…

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I can’t. My daughter looked at the image to image drawing activity in the menu. For those of you unfamiliar with this, a simple cartoon character is placed into a 10×10 grid, beside it a 10×10 grid lays in wait for the young artist to copy the character using a grid to show where the…

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T-G-I-F? Fridays. The rallying call. Celebrate the week that has gone. Congregate on the free time you earned. The weekend will hold much to do, but the time was freely booked by you, for you. With a smile and a nod to friends you raise a glass and drink to freedom. Fridays should be a…

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Batching 101. Task batching is a used to maintain a productive day. By group similar tasks you can effectively use your days time, and in turn free up time to focus on other important tasks such as creative endeavours or special projects. Creative use of email batching. I love emails. Little conversations, usually focused enough…

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The stories we tell ourselves shape the people who we become. “I’m tired” will emancipate itself into an over indulgence in coffee. You’ll yawn, lope around the place, and sit back and watch cat videos for the first part of your day. Little stories you tell yourself help keep you solidly placed in the one…

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Love life. In a world full of connection, never be afraid to reach out to people and make sure they’re doing OK, or find out if someone can just listen. It can make all the difference. Here’s 6 faces from this years Food for thought. Each one has a story, each one has been through…

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Change and it’s power. Embrace change, don’t fear it. Recently a client admitted to me he was afraid of changing his brand visuals as he might alienate his target audience in his quest for more clients. Change can be scary, it can make for sleepiness nights and fear creeps in, chunking away at your vision…

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