Posts Tagged ‘building a mindset’
Jump! In the Nick of time.
Voices reduced to a single pin point. All you can hear is your breathing. Why the hell is my breath so ragged. Palms clamming up like you’re at prom. Your gaze feels laggy, your brain refuses to see the openness your foolish mind thought would be a welcoming freedom. Just jump already, a voice echos…
Read MoreThe balance
Balance Short post that will allow me to justify spending a few hours in Cinema 4D making a fun MoGraph idea. A relatively undiscussed facet of the visual media career is the triangle of balance. This concept, helps me with budgeting, and also allows me to be pragmatic in terms of bidding. This ones…
Read MoreDustin you’re a D#*&!
The setup Let me preface that gloriously click-baity title with this: somehow during the lockdown of early 2021, a perfect storm of learning and creativity hit. You see, I’ve played around with CGI work in the past, a brief interlude into the world of Blender. I made a donut, built a whisky glass and then…
Read MoreConsistency
“What’s the secret?” She asked, leaning forwards, hoping to hear some simple trick that made my business magically grow. I shrugged, and replied, “Consistency” Her brow furrowed and eyes glazed over a bit, as she recognizes the plethora of things stacked behind that word. Consistency, is the one key element people forget. They…
Read MoreFull body aches
The sounds of someone rummaging around in the bathroom awakens me; midweek excitement of the school week. My mind slowly ascertains the presence of my body, then a singular thought echoes through the cobwebs of slumber. Coffee. Shit. I feel like I was pushed down a flight of stairs yesterday. Proudly, I grin,…
Read MoreI’m not ignoring you. (It’s a workflow thing)
Isolated workflow If you’ve spent any time with me you’ve probably heard me recommend a book, or five. My number one recommendation for everyone is Tim Ferriss’s 4-hour workweek. This (eye-catching) gaudily named book holds a myriad of techniques and processes that allow for the reader to achieve the “4-hour workweek”. It allows them to…
Read MoreMovers and shakers
Movers and shakers Moving meditation I run. Running gives me time to reflect, build ideas in my mind, and understand the projects I undertake. Running today I had someone say as I passed them: “The movers and shakers are out today!” This comment stuck long into the run, and I considered a few simple options…
Read MoreBlog043: Alignment, how creativity can supercharge your mindset.
Flow state initiated. The flow state is a term that athletes to artists have used to describe that moment where nothing else is in the fringes of the mind, it’s you and the task at hand. It’s that feeling you get when you’re aligned with your true-self. To encourage this flow-state / alignment we need…
Read MoreBlog041: Apples & Oranges
Good press, bad press. The sense of someone close / looming was strong, the eyes of the family I was photographing* raised past my shoulder at an incoming interruption. I didn’t need to turn around, it’s not the first time I’ve been ejected from a location for asinine reasons. I grab 2 extra frames before…
Read MoreBlog040: Decisions, and insomnia
Decisions are a delicious mix of stress and action. The decisions, whether driven by eustress or stress can change the course of your life. In today’s world I find a lot of people suffer from decision fatigue. Too many choices, no apparent decisive path. Decide if your path needs adjusting, it’s ok, someone more foolish…
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