Blog025: Kids menu
I can’t. My daughter looked at the image to image drawing activity in the menu. For those of you unfamiliar with this, a simple cartoon character is placed into a 10×10 grid, beside it a 10×10 grid lays in wait for the young artist to copy the character using a grid to show where the…
Read MoreBlog023: Thoughts on batching.
Batching 101. Task batching is a used to maintain a productive day. By group similar tasks you can effectively use your days time, and in turn free up time to focus on other important tasks such as creative endeavours or special projects. Creative use of email batching. I love emails. Little conversations, usually focused enough…
Read MoreBlog022: This is for you tomorrow.
The stories we tell ourselves shape the people who we become. “I’m tired” will emancipate itself into an over indulgence in coffee. You’ll yawn, lope around the place, and sit back and watch cat videos for the first part of your day. Little stories you tell yourself help keep you solidly placed in the one…
Read MoreBlog019: Change.
Change and it’s power. Embrace change, don’t fear it. Recently a client admitted to me he was afraid of changing his brand visuals as he might alienate his target audience in his quest for more clients. Change can be scary, it can make for sleepiness nights and fear creeps in, chunking away at your vision…
Read MoreBlog018: The photo industries dirty little secret to success.
Do this and you’ll find your success. Learn to cultivate focus. Quick tip for the artist looking to go professional. Never underestimate the power of being known for one thing. Be that guy that does insane BMX photos, or that girl who rocks the MMA photo scene. If you don’t know what niche you’d like…
Read MoreBlog017: Patience, my dear.
Sometimes it’s just about time. No secret fast track. You most likely will really really want to quit. You may quit. (It’ll haunt you). Coming back will be sweeter after tasting the life beyond the work. The work always brings you more joy than unhappiness. It takes time. LOTS of time. Don’t give up…
Read MoreBlog015: My thoughts on “Collaborations”
Great things in business are never done by one person; they’re done by a team of people. ~Steve Jobs Pros and cons of collaboration (collab) work Living the life of an artist can be quite solitary. You create, share and repeat. Occasionally there is another creative who reaches out and asks if you’d like to…
Read MoreBlog014: Best practices for your portrait
How to ace your portrait session Preparing yourself for the shoot, the basics. Have you ever wondered how some people ace their headshots for their new business card, or put on a great show for their new brands visual identity? Turns out you’re not the only person asking this question, as it’s probably right up…
Read MoreBlog010: A perfect death.
Perfection is where good ideas go to die. The image glows in front of me. It’s hues and layers burned into my retina as I try different variants. My throat’s dry from the lack of water, my joints feel creaky from being in one position too long. I draw a sharp breath, something churned in…
Read MoreBlog006: Keep it simple.
Never underestimate the power of reducing mental load. Give your brain the spring clean it needs once in a while. Sit and breath, don’t let your mind escalate a simple problem and reduce your mental capacity. Simply focusing on breathing has a very calming effect. Over the next few months I plan to attempt to…
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