Isolated workflow
If you’ve spent any time with me you’ve probably heard me recommend a book, or five.
My number one recommendation for everyone is Tim Ferriss’s 4-hour workweek. This (eye-catching) gaudily named book holds a myriad of techniques and processes that allow for the reader to achieve the “4-hour workweek”. It allows them to build their dreams into their day to day, liberating them from the humdrum of life. For anyone who has read this something becomes very apparent. Liberating this time, gives you time to develop something that you absolutely adore, and could be considered as work, yet offers a deeper journey as a craftsman. I love this and hope people can thrive and enjoy life.
1 year later of only answering emails once a day
The reason for the sidebar/book recommendation was to explain the source of this somewhat controversial technique. I read and answer emails once a day, usually around 10 am.
Focus is key here, I want to have pure focus, on task.
Building the work is our primary focus, by limiting distractions, we can build a mindset that builds the work, uninterrupted.
So don’t be fretful. When I don’t respond to your email immediately, take solace, I’m probably in “monk-mode”, solving an image problem!
Jump! In the Nick of time.
Voices reduced to a single pin point. All you can hear is your breathing. Why the hell is my breath so ragged. Palms clamming up like you’re at prom. Your gaze feels laggy, your brain refuses to see the openness your foolish mind thought would be a welcoming freedom. Just jump already, a voice echos…
The balance
Balance Short post that will allow me to justify spending a few hours in Cinema 4D making a fun MoGraph idea. A relatively undiscussed facet of the visual media career is the triangle of balance. This concept, helps me with budgeting, and also allows me to be pragmatic in terms of bidding. This ones…
Dustin you’re a D#*&!
The setup Let me preface that gloriously click-baity title with this: somehow during the lockdown of early 2021, a perfect storm of learning and creativity hit. You see, I’ve played around with CGI work in the past, a brief interlude into the world of Blender. I made a donut, built a whisky glass and then…