Behind the Scenes
Blog008: Trust me I’m a doctor
Trust, clients and the freelancer Out of the box thinking We’ve all been there. We hire a professional to build something we love, then second guess it’s main focus. We ask the question to a few friends (who are in a similar mindset as we current reside) and they all echo your worst fear. The…
Read MoreBlog007: The photo assistant, the secret weapon of any commercial shoot.
Photo assistant. Not just another line on the invoice. With it being the 007 blog I had to talk about my secret weapon on set. A good photo assistant. Overlooked so often as simply another hand on set, a walking,talking light stand or someone to lug gear like professional sherpa. To teach is to learn…
Read MoreBlog006: Keep it simple.
Never underestimate the power of reducing mental load. Give your brain the spring clean it needs once in a while. Sit and breath, don’t let your mind escalate a simple problem and reduce your mental capacity. Simply focusing on breathing has a very calming effect. Over the next few months I plan to attempt to…
Read MoreBlog003: The war of art, and why this book should be considered sacred
The war of art, by Steven Pressfield “War is hell” Have you ever attempted something in your life only to hit a brick wall, you found something that set your soul alight with positive energy then shortly after pursuing it you get a healthy does of reality. Or of “life”. Turns out Steven Pressfield recognized…
Read MoreBlog002: Stepping out into the realm of brand discovery. For science.
Dare to dream, work to succeed. Building a brand in 1 easy step. Step 1: Hire someone. Seriously, I know that’s the worst click bait starter to any post. But if you want a 1 step wonder that’s pretty much it. I was fortunate enough to have a friend reach out to me for portfolio,…
Read MoreBlog001 : Here’s the “Why”.
Why am I blogging? 365 days of stuff I notice. Blogging has always been on the extremities of my work. I’ve written probably 20+ blog posts in my life, some for business, some for pleasure, mostly as a form of self expression. Here’s why I started writing a blog. Over those blog posts I lacked…
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