Trust, clients and the freelancer Out of the box thinking We’ve all been there. We hire a professional to build something we love, then second guess it’s main focus. We ask the question to a few friends (who are in a similar mindset as we current reside) and they all echo your worst fear. The…

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Never underestimate the power of reducing mental load. Give your brain the spring clean it needs once in a while. Sit and breath, don’t let your mind escalate a simple problem and reduce your mental capacity. Simply focusing on breathing has a very calming effect. Over the next few months I plan to attempt to…

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Why am I blogging? 365 days of stuff I notice. Blogging has always been on the extremities of my work. I’ve written probably 20+ blog posts in my life, some for business, some for pleasure, mostly as a form of self expression. Here’s why I started writing a blog. Over those blog posts I lacked…

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